Small sex parties


Advice for sex parties

You say you mainly go to/hold smaller sex parties (three to four men). Keeping the group small has many advantages. The smaller the group, the easier it is to ensure that hepatitis C does not get transmitted. But you can do even more. See if the following advice about sex parties fits your sex life.

C WhatYouCanDo!

-Play as much as possible with men you already know. Check, before the party starts, if everyone gets tested regularly for hepatitis C
-Discuss before the party starts what you wish to do to reduce the risk of hepatitis C transmission
-Avoid that someone else unintentionally uses your equipment such as your anal douche, dildos and lube. Write your initials on your jar/bottle of lube with a permanent marker
-Make sure you have as, much as possible, everyone’s contact details and the host’s contact details in case these are needed after the party to tell that you contracted hepatitis C or other STIs. 
-If possible, hold the parties at your own place. This way, you can ensure everything needed to reduce the risk of hepatitis C transmission is available, such as enough towels, cleaning materials, disinfectants, paper, gloves, etcetera


If you want to reduce the risk of transmission, it’s better to only have sex with men you know well, men you can trust they take regular hepatitis C tests, and men you can trust to tell you if they have an infection. It’s easier to talk to men you know well about reducing the risk of transmission.

Talk before parties to each other, just to check that everyone gets tested regularly for hepatitis C.

Make sure you have everyone’s contact details (including telephone numbers). At the very least, make sure you have the host’s contact details. He will probably have everyone else’s contact details. And that’s useful to have, in case one of you finds out that he has hepatitis C or another STI and needs to tell the others.

General advice for anal sex

You may have read this section before. Make sure you read at least once these general recommendations for anal sex.

Read more


  • Never share your anal douche. Need to use someone else’s anal douche? Then know how to disinfect it.
  • Degrease and disinfect the sling, play sheet or bench before you lay or sit on it as a bottom.
  • When you’re the bottom, lay as much as possible on your own towel. Tip: Take your own towel with you on sex dates.
  • Always use your own jar/bottle of lube for your ass. Never share your lube.
  • Use lots of lube. This reduces the risk of small wounds and bleeds.
  • Test every 3 to 6 months for hepatitis C and other STIs.

Why clean and disinfect?

You may have read this section before. Make sure you read at least once our explanation at Why disinfection is important.